Ques: Why is the government still holding
Dr. Malachi Z York-EL with these FACTS from there lead witness?
Ans: Because, Abigail recantment proves the
government targeted Dr. Malachi Z York-EL and the pretrial transcripts
backs her testimony, No EVIDENCE, Agents didn't audio tape or video tape
the alleged victims statements and more. (Government Conspiracy)
What happens when Black
people can no longer recognize white racism? [read
Video shows the wonderful works of Nuwaubians and Honorable Dr.
Malachi Z. York
As the video will show you, Dr. Malachi Z. York's giving
nature. He is known by many as a philanthropist and a very generous
charity donator. He has donated to several organizations, let alone
thousand of individuals who were in need. He organized several
Nuwaubian based organizations such
as, the Al Mahdi Shriners, Nuwaupian
Grand Lodge of Free Masons, The Order of Easter Star (OES), The
Ancient Egiptian Order, Holy Tabernacle Ministries, Egiptian Church of
Karast and many others. These organizations helped developed charity
programs such as: can good drives, served dinners on Thanksgiving Day
and on Christmas day, they visited several nursing home facilities to help
with elders, provided several community services and much more.
This video also shows many wonderful works that the United Nuwaubian Nation Of Moors, Yamassee Tribe
was sharing with the world, these are our Maku (Chiefs') way of showing our
love for all humanity, before they KIDNAPPED our Chief Black Thunderbird
Eagle, Dr. Malachi Z York-EL, we were giving toys to children that was
unfortunate to have on holidays, we were giving can goods to food banks, we
were embracing the sick and visiting the senior citizens, we were visiting
Camp New Hope, children with sick-a-cell, giving funds to charitable
organizations like Make- A- Wish Foundation, and much much more.
This is what the FBI and the Conspirators don't want the world to know, that
Dr. Malachi Z York-EL is a HUMANITARIAN