Dr. Malachi Z. York

Our Constitution
Government Key
Witness Recants Her Testimony
Federal Court Pretrial
Please Copy and Redistribute
These so-called Paralegals for our Maku,
putting in motions that has done more harm than good, look at
the documents put in on our Maku's behalf, they did not go
through the lawyer Ms. Leyta Holden, who these Paralegals said
we the Yamassee Moors were paying to do so, read this response
from the Judge in Colorado.
All About Liberia what a Farce
Cointelpro at work
Putting our Maku in more DANGER
Our Maku teaches the Facts and this is
what we the real Yamassee excepts only the Facts and action like
these shows that our Maku didn't sign these papers or the
attorney that was going in to see him,
Just Be Lie Eve