Jan 15, 1993
- Dr. Malachi Z. York buys 476 acres at
404 Shady Dale Road from Arne and Sandra Gay Lassen for
$975,000. The Nuwaubians began moving from
Sullivan County, N.Y., to the property and surrounding
communities. |
Jan 1, 1997
- Howard Sills takes office as Putnam County sheriff.
Notice this is when Nuwaubians started having problems
with Putnam County officials starting with the new
sheriff in town. Prior to Sills taking office,
there were no report of incidents. And it has been
recorded in several local media that citizens of Putnam
county and Eatonton Georgia sees the Nuwaubians as "very
polite individuals". |
April 10, 1997
- Legal troubles between Putnam County and York begin after
Nuwaubians refuse to let building inspector J.D. "Dizzy
Adams onto the property . When Adams returns the next
day with Sills, the Nuwaubians allow them onto the property,
where Adams finds a building under construction that had not
been issued a permit. Victor Greig, acting as York's
representative in building and zoning matters, is citied for
building without a permit. |
March 9, 1998
- Sills and Adams return to the property because the
Nuwaubians had not secured permits for a nightclub.
Nine days later, Greig is cited by Sills and the state fire
marshal for violations regarding the nightclub, called
Rameses. |
April 20, 1998
- Greig is found guilty of violations of zoning and fire
codes and fined a ridiculous amount of $45,750 or one year
imprisonment. The Georgia Court of Appeals
later reduces the fine to $2,500 but upholds the conviction.
May 5, 1998
- Sills sues York and others at the property seeking an
injunction preventing use of the Rameses nightclub. |
Jan 4, 1998
- Putnam county Attorney Dorothy Adams and law partner and
husband Frank Ford file lawsuit seeking to prevent the
Nuwaubians from using the property for anything other than
residential or agricultural purposes. |
May 20, 1999
- Superior Court Judge John Lee Parrott issues a permanent
injunction ordering Rameses to be padlocked and not used,
and giving Sills the Authority to enter the property to
inspect the building. |
June 11, 1999
- Superior Court Judge Hugh V. Wingfield III orders York
to appear in court on a contempt motion filed by the county.
York does not appear as ordered June 22. Wingfield
also orders several building on the property padlocked. |
June 29, 1999
- With some 500 Nuwaubians in and surrounding the Putnam
County Courthouse and another 200 law enforcement officers
waiting at nearby locations, York appears in court for the
contempt hearing. Wingfield orders the courtroom
emptied of all but the principals. After two hours
behind closed doors, attorneys for both sides emerge
claiming agreements were reached. The case, however,
drags on. |
Sept 15, 1999
- Civil rights leader Al Sharpton visits the Nuwaubian
village to address a crowd of 150. Sharpton accuses
county officials of persecuting Nuwaubians because of York's
teachings. |
Feb 17, 2000
- the brother of actor Wesley Snipes confirms plans to
purchase more than 200 acres adjoining the Nuwaubian
village, where he plans to build a "security guard training
facility." A Snipes spokeswoman says the actor has no
connection to the Nuwaubians. The county later denies
permit request for the facility. |
May 23, 2000
- Pauline Rogers become the second of two women to file
child support actions claiming York is the father of her son
and daughter. Though a summons was issued, York never
appeared in court, and Rogers later dropped the action.
The other woman, Sakina Parham, filed her action through the
state Department of Human Resources' child support recovery
office. Her action claims York is the father of her
son. Parham still has an action pending. |
Sakina Parham,
notice the date 2000, 2 years before the arrest of Dr.
Malachi Z York-EL and his co-defendants Pauline is the
women that wrote the anonymous letter to sheriff Sills
in 1997 when that didn't work she filed for child
support and Sakina left the land in 1999, to live with a
brother in Atlanta that she met on the land while
working with the computers, when that didn't work she
filed for child support and now they both have
time to appear on television to help Slander Dr. York's
Name and Character.Both of these women speak proudly of
their children and not in a sense of Rape or
Molestation. Ques: Why Pauline and why Sakina was
it worth it, and did you get what you was promised by
the ones that wanted Dr. Malachi Z York-EL off the
streets? |
June 15, 2000
- The Putnam County Board of Registrars begins purging
primarily Nuwaubians who the county claims no longer or
never did live in the county from its voter rolls during
what will become a series of meetings. Court uphold
the action. |
July 18, 2000
- Despite strong opposition from Nuwaubians on election day,
Sills wins 72 percent of the vote. |
Oct 16, 2000
- Nuwaubian contractor Bernard Foster is charged with
slashing the tires on county Attorney Ford's vehicle at a
grocery store. Days before, a hearing had been held
during which Ford said the county would issue certain
building permits to the Nuwaubians. But when the
Nuwaubians attempted to get the permits, the county building
inspector said the group provided inadequate information.
Foster pleads guilty six months later and is banished from
the judicial circuit for three years. |
Jan 1, 2001
- A new slate of county commissioners takes office.
District 3 commissioner Steve Layson takes over the chairman
position from Ralph Perdomo after defeating Perdomo in
November. Sylbie Yon becomes the new commissioner in
Layson's district. Layson always spoke against the
Nuwaubians at the Commissioner's meetings and Perdomo
visited with the Nuwaubians can this be why he lose the
chairman's seat. |
April 27, 2001
- Rainbow PUSH Coalition leader Jesse Jackson visits the
Nuwaubian village, pledging solidarity with Nuwaubians in
the ongoing zoning and building dispute. Macon Mayor
Ellis is among those attending. |
Feb 8, 2002 - A
non-jury trial before Wingfield ends. Wingfield gives
the Nuwaubians 90 days to provide all necessary information
to the county building and zoning office to obtain any
building permits still outstanding. |
March 7, 2002 -
Now calling the Rameses nightclub a "fellowship hall" on
permit applications, the Nuwaubians apply for a building
permit that will clear the way for the group to begin using
the building for the first time since it was padlocked in
1999. Sills appeals the issuance of the permit; the
appeal is scheduled to be heard by the Putnam County
Planning and Zoning Commission next month. Ques:
Why is Sheriff Sills appealing a legal procedure that
the Nuwaubians have rights to apply for? These actions show
that this is a personal involvement on the sheriffs behalf
and whose backing the sheriff. |
May 8, 2002 - FBI
agents and Putnam County Sheriff's officers arrest Dr.York,
Ms. Kathy Johnson, Khadiijah Merritt, Chandra Lampkin,
Ms.Cole and
raid the Nuwaubian village. From the day of the arrest up
until Jan. 23, 2003 all of the Defendants said that they
were innocent of all charges. |
May 9, 2002 -
Rev. Dr.York and all the co- defendants pleads not guilty in federal court. |
Oct 25, 2002 -
Rev. Dr.York and several co-defendants plead not guilty in Superior
Court to nearly 200 state charges of child molestation. |
Nov 26, 2002 -
Judge sets January 2003 date for Rev. York's state trial, which
is moved to Covington. |
Jan 23, 2003 -
Rev. Dr. York pleads guilty to two federal charges, admitting in
court to having sex with children in his United Nuwaubian
Nation of Moors. If accepted by a judge, the plea
agreement would send him to prison for 15 years. Dr.
Malachi Z York was nobel enough to take the charges so the
ladies could go home to be with their children and family,
and why isn't the world asking why did the government come
to Dr. York with a PLEA AGREEMENT if they had evidence and
witnesses that could prove these ALLEGATIONS against Dr.
York and his co-defendants? Something don't sound right here
folks sorry, closed court, sealed transcripts, heavy armed
police outside the court building at the trial, anonymous
jury, judge takes the trial to his home town, 11 white
jurors and 1 elderly (Nubian) women that said after hearing
all of the evidence that she did not want to send a innocent
man to jail ( HUNG JURY ), Dr. York's lawyers helping the
government by saying that Dr. Malachi Z York was
incompetent, a man that wrote over 400 books and was still
writing, all the children in the case testified that they
were never molested, how much more do we the people need to
see that the government is behind all of this to stop Dr.
York an what he believes, this is a Constitutional Right
freedom of belief and speech. |
Jan 24, 2003
- Days before his trial, Dr. York pleads guilty to 40 counts
of aggravated child molestation, 34 counts of child
molestation, one count of sexual exploitation of children and
two counts of influencing witnesses. he
is not sentenced, but the plea agreement calls for a 50-year
sentence, with 14 years to serve in prison and 36 years on
probation. |
April 1, 2003
- Co-defendant Kathy Johnson pleads guilty to a reduced charge in federal court. |
May 30, 2003
- Two
women Khadijah Merritt and Chandra Lampkin - accused with
cult leader Dr. Malachi York of molesting children plead guilty
Friday to two counts each of aggravated child molestation.
They are sentenced to serve 10 years on probation. |
June 30 2003 - At
a hearing to determine whether Dr.York would continue to plead
guilty to child molestation and fraud charges, Dr.York
tells a federal court judge that he is a sovereign Native
American Chief and therefore not subject to federal law and
should be tried in a court of his peers, with all due respect. |
July 21, 2003
- U.S. District Court Judge Hugh Lawson steps down from
the Federal case against York after rejected the plea
agreement and taking the position of the prosecutor
instead of a judge, first by saying the 15-year prison sentenced
agreed upon by the government and the defense was too
lenient. |