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Why did Judge C.
Ashley Royal Closed the Trial from the Public
and Have Anonymous Jury?

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Government Key
Witness Recants Her Testimony
Ques: Why is the government still holding
Dr. Malachi Z York-EL with these FACTS from there lead witness?
Ans: Because, Abigail recantment proves the
government targeted Dr. Malachi Z York-EL and the pretrial transcripts
backs her testimony, No EVIDENCE, Agents didn't audio tape or video tape
the alleged victims statements and more. (Government Conspiracy)
Dr. Malachi Z York-El caring ways
Did Judge C. Ashley
Royal had sufficient reason to close Dr. Malachi
Z. York trial and include anonymous jury?
Did he deprived Dr. Malachi Z. York of his sixth
Amendment Rights and the public's first Amendment Rights?
On December 30,
2003 Nuwaubians fought to keep the trial open to the public.
According to Nuwaubians, the judge wanted to close the trial from
the public, include anonymous jury and sealed transcript to hide
their wrong doings.
Below is an excerpt from from minutes
Patrick: "First of all, Your Honor, there is no evidence
whatsoever that Dr. York, the defendant, participated in or
directed any form of flyers being distributed in the
Brunswick area, none whatsoever.
The affidavits,
Your honor, are from individuals that we have no knowledge
of. We don't know their history; we don't know their
criminal history; we don't know anything about these
individuals. They Could be liars; we don't know. ... There's
absolutely no evidence whatsoever.
We don't have
the opportunity to cross-examine these individuals that
provided these affidavits, and I think-- and so, thus,
that's a violation of one of the rights we have even if
these affidavits are considered, and apparently they are
considered, so that's a violation of a constitutional right
we have....
Thus, the
defendant should not be punished by having a constructively
closed courtroom, which it will be our position that that's
what the court is proposing. By having the third-floor
closed circuit T-V, that's a constructively closed courtroom
which violates the defendant's 6th Amendment right to a
public trial and violates the public's first Amendment.” |
Judge Royal Accused Nuwaubians of Passing Out
Flyers in
Brunswick Georgia to Taint the Jury Pool
is an excerpt from court records
Ashley Royal: “And, obviously, my concern was that after
considerable thought and effort on my part to move this case
to a place where there would be no pretrial publicity and
that we could get what I will call a "clean jury" in the
sense that nobody would have heard about the case and felt
like I had achieved that end until the Nuwaubians, as
they are known in the newspaper and as I understand to be
the followers of Mr. York, went
down there and passed out these flyers, or
whatever you want to call it, in the parade.”
Mr. Patrick: “First of all, Your Honor, I think that
Court, by stating that individuals went down and passed out
flyers in Brunswick, you have to skip or negate the entire
fact that there was an article published in the BRUNSWICK
NEWS prior to any action being taken about flyers
And our information has revealed that -- by Ms. Sloan
(phonetic) that Sheriff Howard Sills was the one that spoke
with the editor down there. That's what our information has
revealed, which began the information about the trial in the
Brunswick area. And to our knowledge, there wasn't any
information prior to that point, and the Court's ruling
previously that that was an untainted area was correct at
that point. |
Royal accused the Nuwaubians of passing out flyers about case or
trial, accepted affidavits from several unknown individuals
without giving Dr. York defense team to questions their validity.
He accepts them as facts, as you can see from his statement
“The Nuwaubians... went down there and passed out these flyers..”.
He used this “hearsay” information to reach his decision
about closing the trial from the public and having anonymous jury.
But Judge Royal ignores the fact that Sheriff Howard Sills
gave out information about the case in Brunswick Newspaper prior
to the flyer incident.
This is one of the many reasons why
Nuwaubians continue to believe that it’s a GOVERNMENT CONSPIRACY.
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